Department of Computer Science

Departmental Meetings

Lunch Meetings

Lunch meetings are held two times per semester, where the department’s staff meets to exchange news and to discuss issues of general interest. New colleagues will be presented, and we will celebrate good promotion of the department by awarding the glass flower price.

All staff are invited and expected to participate in the meetings. The Head of Department chairs the meetings.

The lunch meetings are typically held in the auditorium on the first Wednesday of March, May, September and November. They start at 12.00 and usually end no later than 13.00 - occasionally they may be extended to 14.00.


Lunch meetings dates

Information is coming soon


Twice a year the department’s staff meets outside the daily premises to debate issues that cannot be dealt with in depth at the regularly meetings. This include discussions on strategy plans, research evaluations or issues concerning education and teaching. Often external guests will contribute with relevant issues related to our profession, both scientific talks and talks on other issues concerning everyday department life e.g. the working environment.  

The seminars are typically held as a two-day meeting with overnight stay in early January and a one-day meeting in the last half of August.

All staff are invited and expected to participate in the seminars.