Department of Computer Science

Rebild Seminar covered economy, teaching quality and culture diversity

Rebild Seminar covered economy, teaching quality and culture diversity

In the beginning of the year, the department organized its annual seminar in Rebild, which was held for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The seminar's program was comprehensive and covered various topics that were relevant to the department.

Last modified: 31.03.2023

At the beginning of January, the annual department seminar took place in Rebild, featuring a comprehensive program that addressed various department-related topics.

On the first day, the Head of the Department, Peter Axel Nielsen, presented an overview of the department's current state, including an in-depth explanation of the economy and the budget. The Head of Studies, Ulrik Nyman, gave an update on educations and introduced the quality system. He covered teaching portfolios, quality indications and provided an overview of current intake, dropout and employment numbers.

During the afternoon, the four research groups discussed research plans, as we are now halfway through the current research evaluation period. The afternoon also provided a chance for the participants to take a stroll in the scenic Rebild Bakker.

Connecting cultures

On the second day, Mikkel Orlovski from ConnectingCultures led a culture training workshop. The workshop provided a fresh perspective on cultural differences and included group activities such as "Human Bingo." The workshop also covered fundamental aspects of communication, leadership and trust, with discussions on such issues as hierarchy and tone perception.

During the afternoon, attendees engaged in group work sessions that specifically focused on teaching quality and how to create more quality with less or sustained effort.

Overall, the seminar was a great opportunity for collaboration and idea exchange outside of formal work settings. The next departmental seminar will be announced in mail, but note that the summer meeting, usually held in August, will not occur this year.