Ulla Øland is checking if the fire fighters are on top of the situation.
Everybody left the building, as they were supposed to. Everybody checked if their colleagues did in fact get up and leave the building, as they were supposed to. But as Ulla Øland said when asked to comment on our performance: “The contingency plan worked, but there are a few things we could do better.”
First, we should remember to take the nearest exit, which is not necessarily the one you use when coming and going. Apart from being the fastest way out, it will mean that you do not bump into one of the doors that lock automatically in the case of fire.
Secondly, we should remember to assemble at the assembly point in the parking lot and not where you have the best view of the fire trucks. So, do not forget to check out the position of the green sign post!
Read the When Things Go Wrong folder
Read the AAU Generel Beredskabsplan
Watch the Beredskabsplan-video
Here is the guilty microwave oven. According to rumour, it had short-circuited and caught fire.
So this is what the assembly point sign post looks like!
No reason to stop working just because the alarm went off.