Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University
Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg East, DenmarkQuestions and inputs to the intranet?

Phd Defence: Multi-Source Spatial Entity Extraction and Linkage
On Tuesday June 8, Suela Isaj will defend her PhD thesis "Multi-Source Spatial Entity Extraction and Linkage".
08.06.2021 kl. 13.00 - 15.00
On Tuesday, June 8 2021, Suela Isaj will defend her PhD thesis. Due to the current circumstance, the defense will be carried out online via Microsoft Teams.
If you wish to attend the defense, please send an email to Manfred Jaeger, who will send you an invitation prior to the event.
Please stick to the following rules to make the best of an unfortunate situation.
- Be aware that you must be muted during the entire session
- Please leave your camera off
- For questions, please use the chat function
- The defense will start at precisely 13:00. The session is open from 12:30. You are not allowed to join after the defense starts, neither during the break or examination
Download the abstract
Members of the assessment committee
Members of the assessment committee are Associate Professor Manfred Jaeger, Aalborg University, Denmark, Associate Professor Maria Luisa Damiani, University of Milano, Italy, and Professor Konstantinos Stefanidis, University of Tampere, Finland. Professor Torben Bach Pedersen and Professor Esteban Zimányi are Suela Isaj’s supervisors. The moderator is Associate Professor Christian Thomsen.
All interested parties are welcome.
Microsoft Teams
Registration Deadline
08.06.2021 kl. 12.00