The first issue of our internal CS newsletter has been published!
We are launching this initiative to accommodate the wish for more news and better opportunities to share them across the department. The ambition is for the newsletter to be a culture-bearing platform for all employees to read and contribute to. In other words: a platform that helps create greater coherence across the department. We feel this is needed, especially at a time when everyone is working from home without physical contact with each other.
The newsletter will be edited by our communication unit who will strive to provide you with relevant and interesting content. There will be content from the management focusing on our current state of affairs and directions ahead. But we would like to see contributions from all employees. To strengthen knowledge sharing, we hope that researchers, research groups and the administration, will contribute with insights into their work. This could be new findings, new collaborations, experienced with online teaching etc. all contributing to the ongoing strengthening and building of shared knowledge about our department. We are brilliant researchers, teachers and administrators, and there is no doubt we can learn a lot from each other.
For this to work, it is essential that we create joint ownership and see and treat the department newsletter as a shared medium. Everyone has the opportunity to provide input, and we hope you will soon get in contact with the editorial team to do so - they are waiting for you!
I hope you will enjoy this first issue, and I look forward to see the development of this new platform.
Jesper Kjeldskov
Head of Department