Department of Computer Science

Meet Martijn Goorden, new postdoc in DEIS

The Department of Computer Science is welcoming Martijn Goorden, who is appointed as postdoc in the DEIS group. With a background in model-based systems engineering and supervisory control synthesis, he will be involved in the CLAIRE project, aiming to combine mathematical models with machine learning in an attempt to control water in cities.

Last modified: 24.09.2020

As of September 1, 2020, Martijn Goorden is appointed as postdoc at Aalborg University, where he joins the Distributed, Embedded and Intelligent Systems group (DEIS) at the Department of Computer Science.Martijn Goorden is appointed as postdoc in DEIS

Martijn Goorden received his M.Sc. degree in systems and control in 2015 and the PhD degree in mechanical engineering in 2019, both from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. His research interests are in the area of model-based systems engineering and supervisory control synthesis

Describe your area and research interests:
- During my PhD, I have developed supervisory control synthesis techniques for the design of supervisory controllers (or logic controllers) for large-scale dynamic infrastructural systems, such as waterway locks, movable bridges, and road tunnels. I am very interested in the safety aspects of control systems, i.e., thinking about how we can ensure that some bad control behaviour is never going to happen in systems.

Which current projects are you going to work on?
- One of the projects I will be involved in, is called CLAIRE. In this project, we aim to deploy active control in order to reduce the number and extend of water floods in urban areas. This project allows us to investigate how we can combine my background in supervisory control synthesis with probabilistic modeling in the DEIS tool UPPAAL STRATEGO.

Why did you choose to continue your career at Aalborg University?
- DEIS is a leading group in the field of model checking, where the world-class tool UPPAAL is applied to real-life case studies. Furthermore, the areas of supervisory control theory and model checking are (theoretically) closely related, yet the actual collaboration between the two fields is limited. Being a postdoc here at Aalborg University allows me to grow personally by broadening my area of expertise and at the same time allows me to work on bridging the two interesting fields.

Any fun facts your new colleagues should know?
- Back in the Netherlands, I was part of a music brass band ‘De Keienkraokers’ (no way I can translate this name properly in English, and it’s a type of street performing brass band in the Netherlands). Besides performing during the yearly Carnaval weekend in the south of the Netherlands, we also performed in competitions. For example, in 2019 we finished 5th in the Dutch street brass brand championships. On YouTube you can definitely find several videos of our performances. I have no idea yet how (and if) I will continue performing music here in Denmark, but my passion for music will never go away. I even created my Denmark out-of-office playlist on Spotify with Danish songs (I have no idea what people are singing about), but suggestions from Danish artists are more than welcome.

Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg East, Denmark

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