We are happy to announce that Professor Torben Larsen has joined the Department of Computer Science as of November 1, 2022. Torben will be a member of the DKW group.
Describe your research area and work experience:
- I have been involved in various leadership tasks over approximately the last 15 years. I started as head of the joint (ENG+TECH) doctoral school which with 500-600 enrolled PhD students was a huge school. I have since those days been associate dean in various positions - latest as associate dean of digitalisation. Unfortunately, I only had about one year in this latter position before a restructuring took place.
- Turning back the clock 15 years I was working at the Department of Electronic Systems. I worked mainly in signal processing and implementing code to the algorithms we derived. Python was the main platform but optimised where this made a difference. There are still parts of scientific computing and others where I may use some of my experiences.
- Further, I hope that some of my recent work in creating high performance computing and quantum computing can assist in solving problems of extreme proportions. Also, there is an interest in forming a Danish quantum computer software center.
What are you looking forward to as being part of CS?
- I am really looking forward to joining and collaborating with the most impressive department I know of. The Department of Computer Science has a huge talent mass and excellent senior researchers. On top of that I have been received in the most fantastic way I could dare to dream about.
Mail: tola@cs.aau.dk