Department of Computer Science

CS - Holidays and leave


As of May 2021, AAU has implemented a new system for registering absences. The absence solution is called Statens HR (SHR). It records all our absences including sickness absence, holiday, child care days, senior days and maternity leave.

SHR provides a self-service solution that all staff members will automatically receive access to with their employment at AAU. You need to orient yourself as to your own absences and absence balances in the self-service solution. This applies to historical absences, such as previously held holidays, sickness absence, etc. and future planned absences, such as pre-arranged holidays. In the self-service solution, you can also follow up on accrual and balance on holiday, child care days and senior days. You can access SHR via computer or mobile device.


All notified holidays will be registered in the system in advance. Notified holidays can be shifted to other dates during the holiday year by sending an email to


As soon as possible, we will register the already notified holidays, sent out via mail on 1 September 2023. This includes any changes you might have already requested via  


Registration of sickness absence must be reported by sending an email to

After resuming work please send an email to with the last date of sickness.

These rules apply for child's first and second sickness days too.


How to use SHR

The following guide is located on the HR department’s website:

  • Guide: Self-Service - Getting started (UK/DK)


Any questions related to the absence solution from Statens HR or to absences/holidays in general, may be directed to


It is a requirement of AAU's Main Co-operation Committee and also the management's position that taking a holiday during the working year is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance between work and private life, and therefore all employees must make sure to take all accrued holidays.

You will be notified to hold accrued holidays in the holiday period September 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025 (referring to Rules at Aalborg University (taking holidays). This notice is applicable to all employees at the Department of Computer Science.


No. of days


 Christmas Days, Dec. 23+27+30, 2025          3


No. of days


 Day after Ascension Day, May 30, 2025    1
Day after Constitution Day, June 6, 2025   1

 Summer holidays, July 14 – August 1, 2025

Autumn holidays, October 13-17, 2025   5

The above will be recorded in Statens HR.

Notified holidays cannot be canceled.

Notified holidays can be shifted to other dates during the holiday year by sending an email in due time to

In due time is as quick as possible before the holidays you want to shift.

If you do nothing or do not inform other dates the notified days will then be your record.


  • It is crucial that your holiday record is in accordance with your hour’s record in a project.
  • At all times it is your responsibility to ensure that the number of accrued holidays is recorded as required.
  • Special holidays will be notified in January 2024 and will be pre-registered in week 8, 2024.

As always, you are welcome to ask your question (-s) by sending an email to

Document on notice of holidays 2024/2025


As of September 2020, The new Danish Holiday Act has come into force. This means that all employees have now transitioned to concurrent holiday.

Read a short explanation here (UK)
Read a short explanation here (DK)

Also please inform yourselves thoroughly by these resources:

Days off at Aalborg University
Additional information on days off at Aalborg University



You can also have a sabbatical period or an educational leave. If you wish to do so you should make an application in writing addressed to the head and handed in to the department secretariat, Helle Westmark.

Leave is usually granted in case another (non competing) job opportunity is checked out. Leave is typically granted for one year and may be extended.


You can find information about maternity leave and parental leave in the AAU Handbook

However, please always inform HR via mail should you wish to apply for maternity and/or parental leave or if you have questions concerning this matter.

Childcare days

All parents working in the public sector are entitled to '2 childcare days a year' up to and including the calendar year when the child turns seven. You can request to use these in SHR.  

Senior Holidays

For employees 62 years of age or older, it is possible to agree on up to one day’s paid time off per month (senior holidays)

  • Read more: Implementation of AAU Senior Policy at CS (UK/DK)

Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg East, Denmark

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