Department of Computer Science

Study Board Meetings

On this page you find meeting plans, agendas and summaries from the Study Board of the Department of Computer Science meetings.

Agendas are published one week before the meeting. Material that is to be discussed at a meeting must be sent no later than 7 days prior to the meeting - usually on Wednesdays before 12 pm. Summaries are published after approval at the following study board meeting. If you wish to participate as an observer please contact the study secretary.

2025 meetings

 February 12  Agenda  Summary
 March 12  Agenda  Summary
 April 23  Agenda  Summary
 May 21  Agenda  Summary
 June 18  Agenda  Summary
 August 27  Agenda  Summary
 September 17  Agenda  Summary
 October 22  Agenda  Summary
 November 26  Agenda  Summary
 December 17  Agenda  Summary

